August 12, 2010

  • What Makes Women Beautiful

    Beauty is a quality or certain set of qualities that give pleasure to our senses.  The question is which of those qualities define us?

    There are three extensions that lead to a woman’s heart; her eyes, smile, and touch.  They bring meaning to the physical connection.  When a woman understands that through them is the only pathway towards her beauty, it is then that she becomes careless and free from the burdens of what others might think.  When she knows her heart and has nothing to hide, it shows.

    Whether a woman should or shouldn’t wear makeup or high heels is up to her, but necessity is a different story.  It’s sad how some feel the need to hide themselves with masks.  If attractiveness can only be justified by covering up without an acceptance of her own natural state, shallowness consumes her.

    Makeup is supposed to accentuate looks, not mask them.

    And as far as high heels are concerned, they’re an incredible form of cruelty.  Why must women suffer with discomfort just to look good in a culturally accepted fashion?  What happened to natural beauty?

    The media plays a significant role in how women desire to look, but only to those who seek validation from external sources.  Women aren’t mindless creatures who blindly follow the standards of society.  While it’s capable of manipulation and at times makes it difficult to overcome, each and every woman still has the freedom to choose.  It only has influence if she allows.

    While the aforementioned qualities of (outer) beauty act as an accentuation towards the human experience, they’re nothing more than external constituents of our individual selves.  Where our senses lead holds key to finding its definition.  What defines the heart will always remain within our integrity, choices, and actions.  Without them, life becomes an existence.

    Beauty is defined by intentions.

    Reader, what makes women beautiful?  Do you believe in natural beauty?  What makes you beautiful?

August 11, 2010

  • Do You Facebook?

    As some of you may know, I’m leaving Xanga after this week.  I don’t often have the opportunity to interact with my friends here because of physical limitations, but Facebook seems to be much easier, which is great.  So if any of you want to keep in contact with me, feel free to add me:

    Reader, do you Facebook?

August 10, 2010

  • A Love Letter To Middle Eastern Women

    Dear Middle Eastern Women,

    Ana farhana lana 2abeltak ya habibti, ya noor 3eini.  I always find you looking into the distant afar with the most fashionable sunglasses in your sad look of anticipation.  The mystery behind them is the part that entices me so, and my heart shall craft a blank canvas for untold fairytales come true…

    Gazing into your deep brown eyes of the darkest pomegranate elixir, it bursts into life in a supernova of opal champagne.  They glimmer in the radiance of sunlight, and while I lose myself in them, a prayer is sung in dedication to you.

    Though you hide behind the confines of your niqāb, the song of blessing inspires you to remove your veil of safety.  With the sun’s warmth upon your face, it reveals your skin of silk, like the unblemished virgin whiteness of desert sand.  The darling pout of your lips of date takes me away into another realm of existence, where broken hearts are enchanted and bittersweet.

    It saddens me, when you feel less attractive than your ethnically diverse sisters.  Yet the natural masterpiece of your nose that was carefully formed by Allah is the essence defining the way of a woman, for every imperfection is a pathway towards your perfection.  Though they evoke me to exalt you in kisses from head to toe, your tearful droplets are the descendants of gemstones, and my only desire is to softly touch them away.

    The majestic ocean of your face tells a miraculous tale from the Qur’an as your cries drift into distant shores.  Your smiles begin to surface and the rhythm of my heart grows in excitement.  Seeing your delightful happiness is like having a suicide bomb inside my chest, ready to explode with ecstasy at any given moment.

    All you’ll ever have to do to activate my incredible joy is open your tender mouth and whisper endearing romances.  In your words, the first spitting rain of summer will emerge with an appearance of the most vibrant rainbow.  They create a mirage of hopes and dreams for a beginning of you and me.

    Dear Middle Eastern Women, you might think the only reason I want to marry and spend Arabian nights with you is because of your graceful hospitality.  You might even think it’s so I may possess you and make you mine.  Well it isn’t the reason why.

    When I think upon the oppression you suffer, my heart is moved to brokenness, while it kindles close to yours.  A woman’s freedom is sacred, and love is to give you wings, while hoping for your stay.  I promise not to let you go like Abraham did to Hagar, but to continue cherishing you.  I’ve no camels to offer, but with this remarkable motor and horn, I hope you’ll hitch with me.

    As the oscillating motions of your hypnotic belly dance make their way towards me, I’m drawn to the many dreams of nurturing your womb.  You’ll always remain to be the morning dew upon a desert rose and the Mecca in my spirit and soul.

    Will you roll away with me on this magic wheelchair ride tonight?

    Your Converted Infidel,
    Rickhammad Abdul-Jamaal


    A Love Letter To White Women

    A Love Letter To Asian Women

    A Love Letter To Jewish Women

    A Love Letter To Mediterranean Women

    A Love Letter To Native American Women

    A Love Letter To Hispanic Women

    A Love Letter To Polynesian Women

    A Love Letter To South Asian Women

    A Love Letter To Black Women

August 9, 2010

  • Was Slavery Good For Black People?

    Two years ago on August 9, 2008, Michael Dingwall, a Black columnist from The Jamaican Observer wrote an article titled ‘Slavery was good for the black man’: LINK

    It caused a bit of a stir and was eventually taken down.  The article however is still available on the Internet Archive: LINK | SCREENSHOT

    In ‘Slavery was good for the black man’, Michael Dingwall asks: “Have we ever stopped to consider where we black people, especially those of us in the West, would be right now if it weren’t for the Atlantic Slave Trade? What state do you think black Africa would be in today? Do you think that we would have been better off without slavery? I don’t think so!”

    Below are some of the highlights he uses to further prove his point:

    • “When the Europeans went to Africa to buy slaves, what did they find? They found a society and people vastly inferior to theirs.”
    • “While the Europeans had emerged from their feudal practices, our ancestors in Africa, for the most part, had not developed for many centuries.”
    • “We did not understand the concept of nation or government.”
    • “Science and technology (and innovations in these areas) were non-existent in black Africa of the 15th and 16th centuries.”
    • “It is through this “most heinous system ever created” that we blacks were able to understand some of the principles of global trade.”
    • “In doing this, we discarded those aspects of our culture that clearly placed us at a disadvantage - like our lack of sense of self, loyalty to the tribe and our non-participation in modern technology.”
    • “Back in Africa, we were preoccupied with the worship of animals, trees, spirits of the dead - even stones.”
    • “The relatively superior Christianity, with its greater sense of order and responsibility would help, in many ways, to pull the black man out of the Stone Age.”

    Michael Dingwall ends his article with this conclusion: “Indeed, based on what is happening in black Africa today - slavery for us in the West was, in many respects, our salvation.”

    Reader, did Black people benefit from the slave trade?  Would Africa or the African race still thrive without the oppression from Caucasians?  Was it their salvation from a backwards culture of worshipping “animals, trees, spirits of the dead - even stones”?  Was Michael Dingwall is a racist?  Did his article deserve to be censored?

August 8, 2010

August 7, 2010

August 5, 2010

  • Paul_Partisan: EXPOSED

    Before you start telling me to move on or let it go, don’t worry.  After next week, I’m out of here.  But before I leave, I need to expose the biggest troll there is.  I believe all of you fellow Xangans deserve the truth.

    I recently had a conversation with Paul_Partisan telling him I wouldn’t mention him again if he did the same, but you know what?  Forget it, and the way he talked to me?  I’ve taken enough low blows from the guy and he needs to reap what he sows.

    Immediately following my last entry (I’ve Had It, Xanga), Paul_Partisan admitted to attacking me back in June under another alias as obama_on_x.  In it (DearRicky Called me a Nigger), he publicly accused me of calling him a “nigger” with falsely created evidence in a blog that made it to the front page.  Funny, how he suddenly got on my back during the time when the drama surrounding me was non-existent, when his popularity was dwindling.

    He writes on the first comment page: “Fact is: I used Obama_on_X.. quite a few people knew it was me, though there was something else doing those things... it was amusing. And I have since apologized to you and others. And Ricky: Lets not even go there. I got popular fucking over many people before you. If you want to drag my name into the muck, lets at least be honest with your readers.”

    Paul_Partisan in his attempt to gain popularity fucks over many people, and not just me.  He also creates different fake user accounts to do it.  Pathetic much?  He also goes under the aliase of Jacques_Ducko when the both of them call me “Rickens”, as well as Sausage Heaven, which was recently deleted after he got found out.

    While he claimed to have apologized to me, I never received an apology from him, and even if he did, the damage was already done.  I lost numerous readers because of his lie.  What Paul_Partisan doesn’t understand is that popularity comes with a responsibility to remain truthful because it has the power to influence someone’s reputation (or through recommending).  Not all are going to see the damage control entry afterwards, and yet now he’s taking the high road?

    After the aforementioned comment, he wrote me a private message.  You can read the entire conversation here: LINK

    As you can see in his desperate attempt to keep me quiet, he can’t take the repercussions for the bullshit he dishes out.  While his insecurities amuse me, it’s unfortunate that he takes the Internet so seriously.  He actually thinks I’m afraid of his threats, some online stranger.

    Paul_Partisan: “I don’t care if my friends are right or wrong I will tear you apart by the jugular.”

    This is what makes us different.  I value integrity, and if one of my friends is wrong, I wouldn’t hesitate in rebuking them.  I don’t mindlessly attack people without a good reason.  In fact, despite his ongoing attacks on my physical disability, the only time I really retaliated was when he called me a little yellow nigger.  He doesn’t care that his own sister is disabled herself.

    Here’s a list of blogs that Paul_Partisan has written to bash me (the guy is obsessive): LINK

    And you can see this childishness even more in another conversation between him and I (Just shut up and Blog): “No, you moron. You think you’re better than people. Or even more smart. Funny thing is Ricky... You’re usually below me on Top Blogs. You annoy people so much they quit commenting you. You timestamp a blog 6 times in 10hrs. And you still can’t achieve as much as I do. Why would I be bothered by you? The only thing you are capable of Ricky is failure.”

    Unlike Paul_Partisan, my life doesn’t revolve around being on Top Blogs.  This is why he turned on me out of nowhere.  He claims that I attacked one of his friends, but yet never mentioned it to me.  He only started attacking me when I wrote against the theory of evolution back in December of last year.  Who actually has the time to create false identities just to bash people and get popular if they had a life?

    So this is goodbye Xanga, because I came to have fun and share my writings.  I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want people to read.  I came here to open up discussions with interesting and controversial topics.  While I don’t mind the bashing, what I can’t take are trolls like Paul_Partisan who would do anything, right or wrong, to become top.  I might be an asshole sometimes, but at least I don’t create lies to run someone down for selfish purposes.

    What Paul_Partisan did to me could happen to anyone who becomes popular, and I thought you should know this, fellow Xangans.  Is this what you support?  I’m not going to call him names or attack his person.  You can be the judges of his actions.

    Thanks to each and every one of my friends and subscribers for supporting me all this time, especially the women who didn’t throw up to my barf-bag romantic stories.  Ha!  Who knows what the future might bring… but one more week of DearRicky come Monday.  I’ll be sure to cover everything.  Good riddance, right?

    If you’re against this type of bullshit in creating false identities to bash people and making up lies about them just to get popular, please send a rec to your friends and subscribers.

August 2, 2010

  • I’ve Had It, Xanga

    I’m not usually angry when it comes to the Internet, but we all have our limits.

    Last night, while I was thinking about all the drama with vanedave and his numerous identities, I came to a sudden revelation.  If you remember how back in June, more than 70 entries were written about me, but there was one Xanga account that incessantly attacked me: obama_on_x

    I never really paid much attention to the Perez Hilton stunt that vanedave pulled as perez_on_x, but doesn’t obama_on_x sound a little familiar, as well as The_X_Rankings?  Multiple identities and the same IP address?

    ContemporaryInsanity is vanedave: SCREENSHOT
    The_X_Rankings is vanedave: SCREENSHOT

    Update: Paul_Partisan has admitted to bring obama_on_x (comments, page one).  This actually explains a lot.

    Isn’t it a coincidence how vanedave has been on my back constantly since I started to become popular, since 2008?  Fucking hell, writing five consecutive entries about me in two days.  Then a blurry screenshot was created, accusing me of calling him a “nigger”, and all the piss-ant motherfuckers bought into it.

    vanedave now denies the FACT that he is in fact SassWithClass, despite the fact that he has access to her account and deleted it without her permission, supposedly.  BULLSHIT.  Did I mention he lied about his “personal issues” during the time when he faked his apology to me?

    This little shit stain residue is a fraud, calling me a racist and making fun of my physical disability, calling me “Captain Cripple”… fucking motherless insect that surfaced out of a puddle of stagnant sewer water.

    mtngirlsouth (Breaking my Silence):

    COMMENT DELETED BY vanedave (confirmed in this post; last comment on page two)

    Many were mocking my disability, especially Paul_Partisan, even though his own sister has Cerebral Palsy.  Suddenly, he started attacking me for no good reason.  He got popular by fucking over DearRicky (as you can clearly see in the update, Paul is feeding off me by making up lies).  When I said White people are also victims of racism, no, but when Paul called me a “little yellow nigger”, or was it “nigga”, all the Black supremacist fucks who called me a racist swarmed in agreement.  But now he’s taking the high road?  Fuck Paul.

    Oh, let’s not forget that bimbo ass lover WordsandThoughts who mocks my disability and talks about beating up a cripple, wow.  Genius.  Calling me out because of that creepy pervert bastard cmclymer who looks like the douche bag father from ‘Back to the Future’.  He who asked me to recommend a form asking all the girls and women here to fill it out with personal information.  He who lied about it when he called me out for no apparent reason.

    Yet WordsandThoughts had the audacity to make a daily planner for my life (I FOUND DEARRICKY'S PLANNER!), even though I was kind enough to warn her to just be careful of cmclymer since she was in contact with him in real life.  To think, I actually worried about her because he could be a potential rapist.  Funny, how when I asked her why he lied about me, she couldn’t give me an answer.  Stupid bimbo, I was concerned about your safety!

    Then there’s dikdoktor, that drunken bastard.  He threatens to throw my wheelchair down a flight of stairs if he ever saw me in real life.  When his little girlfriend (TheDarkCreature) accused me of plagiarism, she looked like an idiot when I proved her wrong.  I never said one mean thing about her, but dikdoktor was too drunk to see it and threatened to find me because apparently, he lives only 80 kilometres away from me.

    Hmmm, I wonder how he got my address except from some fat-ass whose thigh is wider than my torso, and who tried to make me look bad because she got dumped by a cripple.  Sorry, but red flags will appear when you tell me you’re the only one in the world for me.

    dikdoktor also likes to draw cartoons about my wheelchair death.  Get a life, shithead.  I love how you bought into the whole contacting the (Xanga) “authorities”.  You accuse me of asking for sympathy when you yourself whine about your problems.  I don’t wish badly on you for obsessing about me for a year because you’re going to kill yourself with alcohol anyway.  I pity you.

    And now, because of the stupid bandwagon here, I’ve become the outcast who “starts drama”.  Open your eyes, numbskull!  People don’t like my opinions and so they call me out.  They don’t like the truth, and most of my haters haven’t even read my blog.  As for those who block me then stalk…

    Yeah, I’m done.  Damn parasites.

August 1, 2010